Friday, November 21

Bill Ayers the Puppy

Finally out of exile (just like the good ol' days eh Billy?), Bill Ayers is opening his gab, and gab he has. Speaking here in DC, he gave a speech reminiscent of an old man telling of his eventful youth in college. The difference? His youth involved planting bombs at federal buildings.

He generally came out of the gate with the attitude of, "hey, it was the sixties, everyone was doing it." Well, guess what champ, if by everyone you meant terrorists, then maybe you're right. He's been saying things like, "FOX News is trying to coin me as 'crazy' or 'extreme' is outrageous." ...I mean, I'd say trying to destroy federal buildings by force of explosion pretty much qualifies in my book.

Terrorism is defined by the U.S. Department of Defense as "the unlawful use of -- or threatened use of -- force or violence against individuals or property to coerce or intimidate governments or societies, often to achieve political, religious, or ideological objectives." I'd say that right up his alley, and if he doesn't classify as a terrorist, then we mid as well take a look at whether or not anything does. Maybe suicide bombers are just having a bad day?


pollicino said...

Good morning my friend,Un saluto dall'Italia,ciao Eugenio

J. Thomas Hunter said...

William Ayers should've been hanged for treason a long time ago. This man is disgusting, and everyone who is giving him a sympathetic audience is just as sick.

Great piece.