Thursday, June 26

We're Not Alone

In a 2004 Heritage Foundation article, The Myth of U.S. Isolation: Why America Is Not Alone in the War on Terror, it is clear that the United States has many allies, despite public portrayal of our isolation.

I recognize that this article is a bit dated, however, it still makes a valid point that's quite relevant today.

"The United States retains the political support of many key allies, from Tokyo to Warsaw. In fighting the war on terror, the United States has assembled one of the greatest international coalitions the world has seen. Managing such a huge global coalition is of course an extremely difficult task. It requires skillful leadership, and its strength is limited by a lack of military capability, technology, and manpower on the part of coalition members. By any historical measure, the U.S.-led coalition is an extraordinarily successful alliance."

The United States is not alone and don't let anyone fool you into thinking otherwise.

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